MIX AND MATCH PACKAGES of ANY TYPES (15 MIN) (8 Pack, 16 Pack or 24 Pack)

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Mix and Match packages gives you any sessions we offer at the center whether it be a Light or Vibrational Technology or a Hands on Wellbeing Session, at 15 min increments of the sessions you choose that day. *

*You can also use several of your sessions to make a longer session stay, or to create a special experience, for example 15 min CranioSacral, followed by 30 min Theraphi Session.

Work with us to assist you to ask your body what it'd desiring via muscle testing, or a guide can suggest what sessions or quantum healing tools would best assist you each visit.

Quantum Healing Sessions additionally can be understood by the ‘quanta’ being FINITE, and at the same time INFINITE, so when you have a clear intention to focus on, this intention will expand infinitely into the quantum field of infinite possibilities.

As well be encouraged to focus on your clear intention with heart and mind coherence, so that you can open up to an infinite of higher aligned potentials and possibilities.

*Remember our sessions, modalities, and space is meant to allow for quick quantum alignment to your clear intention and highest potentials.


MODALITIES to choose from for each time you come, as well as you can schedule several in one day:

  • Bemer Therapy- energize, and blood flow

  • Tensor Ring in Zero Gravity Chair- de-stress, and structure the water in the body

  • Theraphi Plasma Medbed- charge up body with light, and ground the soul fully into body

  • Multiwave Oscillator- frequency generator for body and subtle body alignment

  • BioMagnetic Therapy- Clear pathogens, and normalize cell environment 

  • Akashic Record Reading- clear past patterns and align to highest and best life

  • Soul Session Reading- Align to your soul’s purpose, and what is being called for you to integrate now for full soul embodiment

  • CranioSacral Therapy- Balance the body, and emotional body, for ease and well being

  • Reiki- Align the energetic bodies with the physical and open up to new possibilities 

  • Sound Therapy Session- full body immersion into sound at specific frequencies to assist with harmonizing the energy bodies and energy centers

  • **Additional Quantum Boosts can be added: Lifewave Stem Cell Activation Patch, or other tools ask guide for whats possible?

NOTES: Please bring water bottle, no metal in sessions no pacemakers. Do best to wear natural fibers for session, and come with a clear intention.

**Family and Friends can share your PACKAGE. However you must log them in to the calendar from your package link, or call to have us schedule them for you.


Rescheduling or Cancelation can be done 24 hours before session, please visit your session link to adjust or call us at (727)221-7564 or email R3MiraclesCenter@gmail.com