R3 Miracles is a wellness center offering a store, showroom, and sessions that facilitate the 3 R’s: relaxation, rejuvenation, and realization. Our center offers you the experience and tools that will assist you to quantum jump back into your highest and best life.
Your body’s biofield in an electro-magnetic field, that requires rich biophotonic light, grounding at the soles of the feet, and to remember the soul’s natural state of heart and mind coherence. We have been studying the electromagnetic field of the body-mind, and the perfection of the scalar soul for over 20 years, and we are dedicated to now sharing the tools that will assist bringing your body and home the boost for achieving the optimal state of wellness.
Our goal is for you to awaken to the remembrance that when your body is within healthy energy, light rich environment the body naturally heals itself, maintains wellness and the soul awakens to its highest potential.
On our quest for what will assist you to the most effective and quickest route back to wellness that we found to be a variety of self-care, and healthy environment Quantum Healing Miracle Modalities. These quantum healing modalities and tools offered at R3 Miracles assist the individual on their journey back to feeling a more vibrant self.
We are dedicated to aligning to the highest effective and state of the art scalar and quantum healing modalities for use at our center as well for you to purchase for your own healing space at home.
Our Center is unique in how we share our technologies as you can come in to learn about them in our store or you can try them out in a session in our R3 Sanctuary Space. We also will offer a package of sessions so that you can have a strong sense of what you can expect in your own space.
For those who know what they want you can simply come visit our Storeroom or Online Store and choose what you like and have them shipped to your own home.