Akashic Records & Commands Certification Course 4/26/25 (QS1)

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Please purchase the Quantum Akashic Records Workbook from Amazon Books, R3 M Live 4/26/25 10:00am-2:00pm 

*If you are international contact us for next zoom date offered.

Quantum Akashic Records

Learn how to do Quantum Akashic Records Self Session, using your intuition, body sway muscle testing, or the free Akashic Soul Pro App. Additionally you will learn how to work with others to lead them in reading their own Akashic Records, guide them to retrieve soul essence, and read another’s Akashic Records. This is a 10 part basic beginners course, and is also still very valuable for those adept in the practice.

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akash means ether.  Ether is the space around us, and creates the plane or field of the divine mind. In this akash field all information is held in magnetic particles of light called plasma light, and these magnetic particles are all vibrating different frequencies due to the information or codes held in them. Each thought, belief, or memory is like a blueprint of light, and each emotion, feeling, or action is the motion that gives the light particles vibrations. 

Why is working with your Akashic Records helpful?

The Akashic Records are all possibilities of information held in the ether/akash as vibrating light particles. They are programs holding realities into place in a mainframe of a computer to a level. These Akashic Records, like a pebble in a pond, create a finite conception point that infinitely ripples out and making cycles of time and patterns of experiences again and again. If you are not aware of this you may repeat experiences, and beliefs again and again, and get deep into what we call time, and may have forgotten how to be present to create new now realities that are based on less memory, and more on new inspirations that not weighed down with outdated programs, beliefs, and points of view.

Why study the Quantum with the Akash?

When we say Quantum, we are reminding you that what is finite, is also infinitely expanding creating an huge range of probabilities. Akashic Records are quantum in that each thought paired with emotion is a finite set point moment,  that is infinitely creating future parallel now realities of similar frequencies. When that same set of circumstances arrive again in your experience here in form, you have a new choice of engaging with them in a new way, or repeat the pattern. When we are unable to navigate our present moments, with instant creations of what we want in our lives, it is due to large files held in the akash that have not been awoken to consciously and they are creating your nows in ways that may be outdated in how you would prefer to have this now actualizing itself. 

So studying these Akashic Records of who, what, when, where, and why a previous thought and feeling, belief, point of view, or memory was created, we can then choose to uncreate that record, by pulling our energy out of it, and coming to a greater innerstanding. When innerstanding is felt, we can release the charge on the particles of light that were causing density to hold it in place in the field, and come to acceptance or neutral about what was in the past, which we may refer to as a ZERO POINT. Once the zero point is experienced through acceptance and innerstanding  those light particles can recoil back to heart center, where through feeling joy and love you can raise their vibrations and choose a new thought, which will project out of the minds eye a new blueprint of what you would now like occur or create.


This course can be take solo, or is included in the Quantum Soul Practitioner Program